Monday, August 5, 2024

Find Yourself at Home

 Spending 20 years in the military living in military housing, it is hard to make a home feel like your own. You are a renter, and you know that you’ll be leaving within three years, so feeling 100% at home and moved in is challenging to attain. You do your best, but it’s never quite there. You cannot do big things; even something like painting a room can become a bigger hassle when it’s moveout time (I say from experience). So we hang curtains and pictures and wait for the next assignment so we can do it all over again.

I wish that I had a copy of Find Yourself at Home during those years, but now that we are retired and in our forever home, I am finding its value for my life and home to be tremendous.

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It is true that the vibe and atmosphere of your home translate to your life. Making a change, even a small one, can make a massive difference in your attitude and energy. Before reading this book, I knew I wanted to make changes around our house, but I didn’t know what to do. While reading, though, I could think through my home and feel inspired so that I could be deliberate and intentional in the changes I made. Some changes were big, like completely redoing my home office and painting our home gym; others were small, like replacing the kitchen cabinet handles and adding plants to rooms.

Those changes we have made, both large and small, have led to positive mental and emotional changes in myself and my family. As we continue to settle in, I will revisit this book for guidance to fully find myself at home.

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