Thursday, August 1, 2024

Work Related Headaches

 I have been trying to listen more to my body when it is telling me something, but lately, I am beginning to have a love-hate relationship with it and its cues.

Yesterday, I finished a large project I had been plotting for over a year. It took over a week, but my home office is finally done. I have created a space that is mine and will help bring productivity and inspiration to my working hours. I have been looking forward to finishing this space for so long, and it felt amazing to finally get it done yesterday.

Today, I woke up with a massive headache. It's not quite a migraine, but you know it will get to that point if you don't medicate quickly and take it easy. It did not take long for me to connect the headache to the finished office space.

Now that the office is how I want it, there is no reason not to get writing projects going and out to places where they can be published. This is daunting
and a bit overwhelming. It means that I am the only barrier to the next stage of my writing career. And since I also spent the last three nights dreaming about one of my projects, it is no wonder I woke up with a headache.

So now it's a matter of getting out of my own way, pushing through my insecurities, and using the perfect office that I've created as it should be used. And keep the ibuprofen handy for any other writing-related headaches that pop up.

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