Thursday, July 27, 2023

Fight Back

Children of the latchkey generation are standing up for themselves and our health, especially our mental health. 

We grew up in daycare and after-school programs, sometimes before school, too, because our parents worked 50+ hours a week.

We were signed up for every sport or extracurricular until we found something we enjoyed, and then it became our way to a better life.

We split time between school, activities, jobs, and our parents' homes; many of us had two homes due to having divorced parents. We had to please people and be the best in all of those places.

We experienced burnout before we hit puberty. We didn’t know what it was then and pushed through as we were told. But we know now, and now we’re fighting back.

But our parents, teachers, coaches, bosses, and even friends are mad that we are finally pushing back. But why are they mad? Who knows, and who has the energy to find out? Not me because I’m setting boundaries and refocusing.

When I began setting boundaries and sticking up for myself, when I began truly advocating for what I needed, it was difficult. It still is. But I like this version of myself better than earlier versions. My marriage and parenting are better. My sleep is better. My physical health is better.

Yes, some of my relationships don’t seem better, but maybe they need to be removed or at least adjusted. And yes, that is hard, but it is worth it. 

So, find new friends. Change jobs if possible. Take the silence when they cold-shoulder you. You are doing the right thing because you are taking care of yourself.

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