Sunday, March 12, 2023

Fitness Challenge

During February, I set myself to a challenge of doing a workout on Fiton every day. I figured a short month and a variety of workouts averaging 15 minutes would be a simple way of caring for my health and stretching my routine a bit.

So, how did it go?

Well, I did not complete the challenge. At first, if I skipped a day, I would double up the next day. However, as the month, and life, went on, that just was not feasible. But even though I didn’t meet the challenge, I don’t feel like I failed because I learned a few things about my fitness journey.

One: I hate Pilates. Every time I do a pilates-centered workout, I feel cranky and miserable. These feelings start a few minutes into the workout and last all day. So definitely no more pilates.

Two: Rest days are for more than your muscles. I found that the days I skipped workouts in February were also the days that mentally I couldn’t function in the gym. They were the days I needed to focus my mind elsewhere, even if it meant sleeping in a bit or zoning out with the television. But the next day, I was all-in, body and mind, and I felt refreshed at the end of the workout.

Three: I love Yoga! There is just something about it that feeds my soul in ways that other workouts cannot. No matter how many other workouts I try, I always get back on my yoga mat 3–4 times a week. 

Now does all of this mean that I will never sign myself up for a month–long fitness challenge again? No. But I will be more mindful of what type of challenge I pick so that it supports all areas of my fitness and wellness journey.

Yes, I've dropped a link up there, and up until this week, it was an affiliate link, but they've ended that program, so now it's just an app that I love. I genuinely love Fiton and their workout app, and their equipment shop is also pretty on point. So if you're looking for new gear or a new place to get at-home workouts, then check them out.

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