Sunday, February 26, 2023

Welcome to My Thoughts

I have had a blog for years, but in 2022 I lost my desire and inspiration to write. There were a lot of stressors going on in my life, and writing was becoming one of them as well.

I spent a few years thinking I had to niche my writing to make a difference. So I branched out into a book blog, a travel blog (thankfully killed by Covid), and a food blog. It was the last one that really made it all seem like an overwhelming weight when it came to writing.

Over the last few months, I have begun to clear the stressors from my place and have been able to get back to being myself. In that time, the urge, or desire, or motivation, whatever you want to call it, to pick up a pen, has been coming back. I find myself writing notes from my head on anything I find near me. And the thought of writing blog posts again doesn't feel like a burden.

In getting my zest for writing back, I have decided to streamline back to one single blog that will cover whatever thoughts I feel like sharing. Hence the title, Experiences in Thinking, as it will be about whatever I have been thinking about enough to write about. There will definitely still be writing at times about books, food, and travel, but there will be many other things too. The key will be to write and share only what feels right in my soul and not what feels like checking the box.

I'll be upfront and honest that some of my posts will have links to affiliate sites. Really, in 2023 where do you go that doesn't have an affiliate link? But I promise that it won't be all links. And when I use them, they will only be for sites and things that I use and trust for myself and my family regularly, not something random just for traffic.

I'm glad you're joining me on this journey. 

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