Friday, November 10, 2023

Thoughts after a conversation

 Mental health is important to me.

Words that are followed up by actions are important to me.

Being kind and caring to others is important to me.

Having your family accept who you are is important to me.

Having someone treat you as they expect to be treated is important to me.

Being true to my values and core beliefs of kindness and acceptance in important to me.

Being told that I am in the wrong for focusing on what is important to me, on what furthers my hopes of healing myself and the world, is not alright with me. 

Being told this by someone who claims they can see through our differences but then refuses to accept my being different from them is not alright with me.

Sharing my feelings in a way of taking care of my mental health to then be told that I am being mean and hypocritical is not alright with me. 

Being accused of saying things I did not say is not alright with me.

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