Thursday, August 10, 2023


A while ago, I read something about the meditative aspect of repetitive workouts-running, swimming, etc. The innate movement, when you can get lost in it and zone out or think through life, especially when you are overwhelmed, can be healing mentally while you are physically caring for your body.

The last few months have been extremely busy and laden with stress of all kinds. I noticed that I was gravitating toward my rowing machine through all of it when it came time to work out. After I read that article, I understood why.

Rowing is repetitive: you sit, pull, slide up, and then do it all over again. I often gaze out the window or even close my eyes when I row. It is just easy for me to get lost in the movement and feel my brain settle for a while. And it has felt amazing to find that space just to be quiet.

Next week begins a new round of stress-inducing activities. But knowing that my rower is waiting for me every day to be there when I need a moment of quiet comfort while also working out frustrations makes it all easier to face.

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